HVAC Resolutions for the New Year

Steps To Improve HVAC Operation During the New Year 

The new year is a time of excitement and hope. It is at this time of year that many people acknowledge the challenges ahead in the next year. Every homeowner understands the challenges they face year-round, and many use this time of year to resolve to take better care of the responsibilities that come with homeownership.

One of the responsibilities shared by every homeowner is to take care of their home’s HVAC system. While HVAC maintenance can be too much for one person to try and handle, it is often better to seek a professional’s help to lighten the load. Here are a few tips to make HVAC maintenance easier for homeowners going into the new year.  

Schedule Professional Maintenance

Professional HVAC maintenance is one of the best things that homeowners can spend their money on in the new year. Most HVAC maintenance contractors and manufacturers recommend maintenance at least twice per year to get the most out of the system, and they build their HVAC maintenance programs around that advice. 

Weekly calendar with Sunday highlighted in red

Many homeowners notice the monthly price tag associated with enlisting in a maintenance program and wonder what value they get for the money. Some of the benefits of professional maintenance include:

  • Protecting warranty
  • Ensuring longevity
  • Lowering repair bills
  • Keep the system efficient 
  • Cleaner indoor air
  • More comfortable home

By enlisting in these programs, homeowners can save money over the life of the unit with lower costs for running and repairing the unit. 

Replace Air Filters When Necessary

Close-up image of an HVAC filter

Deciding when to change filters is essential for every household. Air filters keep indoor air clean and prevent dirt from entering the HVAC unit, allowing it to last longer. For homes with pets or in dusty environments, filters may need to be changed monthly. 

Additionally, if a home’s occupants are subject to asthma or allergies, better filters and more frequent changes may be beneficial. For a standard home with regular filtration needs, they can be changed every three months. 

Many contractors include this in a service agreement, so homeowners don’t have to keep track of when the filters need to be changed. Along with a service agreement, seeking an HVAC contractor’s help can help homeowners decide the best filter to protect their system and those living in their homes. 

Maintain a Consistent Temperature

Maintaining a consistent temperature around the home is the whole point of having a central HVAC system. When summers lead to hot spots or winters to cold drafts, action should be taken to keep the home comfortable. 

A consistent temperature is also important to ensure that things like wood furniture, flooring, and plumbing stay safe from environmental issues. Here are a few steps to help homeowners keep their home’s temperature more consistent and enjoyable:

  • Make sure vents are open and not blocked
  • Use curtains to dampen cold drafts or block hot sunlight
  • Check the thermostat for good operation
  • Keep doors open between rooms for good circulation
  • Ensure windows and doorways are sealed tight
  • Beef up insulation where possible

About Heidler, Inc.

Heidler, Inc. is an HVAC contractor in Annapolis committed to customer service with awards for 10 years and running. Their prompt service is available 24 hours a day for emergencies, and homeowners can always count on them for fast and reliable service.